Your Best Kayak
Experience in Venice
We invite you to explore Venice from a new perspective.
You will be immersed in the authentic and secret parts of the city, its history and traditions.

The tours start in one of the most ancient and historically important Rowing Clubs of the city: Reale Società Canottieri Querini. Then we will take you on a kayak journey to dissect the green water of the Lagoon, sail under bridges, and gaze at church and palace facades.

We invite you to join us and experience it for yourself!
Sustainable Kayak Tours and History of Venice
Choose your kayak tour
kayak tours
We also invite you to attend Venetian Rowing Training!
We will arrange a private rowing class for you with members of Reale Società Cannotieri Querini upon your request.
The Cao Rio project is an initiative of young Venetians determined to preserve the Lagoon environment and local culture. To make a positive impact on the city, we use eco-friendly transportation, encourage active and responsible tourism, and teach guests about local history and traditions.

"Passionate about travel, anthropology, history and geography, I wanted to combine cultural and sports skills to create an original and non-impactful experience for the city".

— Nicolò Caoduro, founder and your guide.
Born in 1989, Doctor of Cultural Tourism Planning and Management, environmental hiking guide, tour leader (associated Assoguide) and basic technician (F.I.C.K.).
About us
Cao rio
Do you know that Venetian children enjoyed jumping into canals for amusement?

Known as 'Cao rio' in Venetian dialect, it means diving head-first!
Our Partner
The Cao Rio project supports a historical rowing club founded in 1901, Reale Società Canottieri Querini.

Throughout Cao Rio tours, everyone can support Venice's sports traditions. Part of the tour's fee is donated to one of the oldest rowing clubs in the city — Reale Società Canotieri Querini. To maintain the Society, it is used for different purposes, including restoring traditional boats.

Thanks to our partner, we have a unique chance to start our tours in the Society's boatyard, immersing you in the culture of Venetian rowing.

Rights reserved Reale Società Canottieri Querini (photo).

What our clients say
More reviews on
Une très belle manière de découvrir Venise ! Notre guide, francophone, nous a montré la ville sous une autre facette, en nous amenant à travers de petits canaux sillonnant divers quartiers (Cannaregio...). La volonté de Cao Rio de promouvoir un tourisme plus durable est aussi à souligner, et on recommande vivement cette expérience !...
Christophe Jacquot
The other day, I took a Cultural kayak tour in Venice. History is my passion and being able to see the Arsenal and ask Nicolò questions was an awesome experience for me. The most exciting part was when the tour started at the historical rowing club. When you're there, you can see with your own eyes something that was not available to me, the traditional boats...
Il tour in kayak di Nicolò, veneziano doc e guida turistica professionista, è un tour impareggiabile. Non solo per la durata e la convenienza del suo tour rispetto agli altri a Venezia, ma soprattutto per il suo atteggiamento nobile nei confronti della natura, del turista e della sua amata città. Il giro tra i canali silenziosi di Venezia, lontano dalla folla, ti immerge...
Atelier Caruso
Prepare for your kayak
Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully before your tour starts. If you have any questions, contact us in advance.
Join Cao Rio Community
Become a member of our community: follow our social media and online blog, receive news and interesting materials about Venice. Plan your Venice trip and find local people to meet.

Join us at local events and participate in regular cleaning up activities!

Cao Rio team also prepared some tips on experiencing Venice sustainably and qualitatively. We're happy to share our advice with friends and guests. You can download a digital brochure on our website that contains these tips.

Discover and preserve Venice with us!
6 tips for a slow and sustainable travel in Venice
Voga e Neta: regular clean-ups to preserve Venice
Every first Sunday from March to October, we clean the islands in the Venetian lagoon.
The next one is scheduled for July 2!
Last Voga e Neta, we collected trash in the lagoon!
Our social media followers joined us and we became a great team!
Let's go together next time!
Voga and Neta. May 7.
The 'Peace on Water' procession and the cleaning of Castello's canals.
Voga and Neta. April 2.
On 4 March, the demonstration against wave motion took place in an attempt to regulate the problem of water traffic in the canals and riverways and in the lagoon.
Demonstrations against wave motion
The Vogalonga is a 'non-competitive' rowing boat regatta held in Venice in May.
Vogalonga 2023
Contact us
+39 377 334 06 89

Fondamente Nove, 6576, 30122 Venezia VE



Redesign by Annie Eagle
Photo and video credit: Manfred Bortoli
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